Sunday, December 26, 2010

"Giving With A Kind Heart!"

It is always good to give. It makes your heart sings with joy and happiness. As the saying goes, "It is so much better to give than to receive," it really is. To give, is the same as receiving in so many ways. You bring happiness to yourself to give so meaningfully.
It is kind of like lending to God because it is God who will reward you back in many folds.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"A Good Wife!"

A good wife is often thought of as a good thing. She is a wife who works in her home. She loves her husband and children. She always subject herself to her husband. She is a chaste woman, and she is sound in mind.
The true sense of a good housewife.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Love, I guess everyone, at one time or another, has looked for love in all the wrong places. I find that the best love is when you are not looking for love at all. Love will certainly find you. "Good things always come to those who wait." I do believe that is true.
"My love is alive. It's like a seed; it only needs the thought of you to grow." Supremes

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Someone To Share!"

Your relationship or your dream is the question? I feel that this one can be a tough one because it depends on where one is in one's life. If you are married and you get this burning desire to pursue this life long dream, you should discuss this with your mate about pursuing your dream.
There should not be any problem in pursuing your life long dream if everything is already well and good, but what if it is not? It is best that one pursue one's dream first before entering into any relationship; however, it can be fun to become a success with some one to share.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

"A Leader Of The Heart!"

I believe a good man is the man of his home. With all of his imperfections, he makes good sound decisions for the best interest of his family. He is a man of good judge of characters. His family is top priority to him. As a husband, he knows how to ask for his wife opinions on family and business matters. He is a husband with only one woman. He is not persuade by wicked women. He is a good leader in his home and communities, and he is not threaten by negative images of fiction.
What a man; what a good man?!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Money Can't Buy Love, But It Can Buy Food!"

When I read and hear things about finance over and over again, it helps to reinforce the valuable knowledge that I have gained about finance. I can see the big picture on finance. I also learn to make the best decisions to take a financial risk if ever needed, and my decisions will not be made out of pure fear.
When one makes one own money, one learns to appreciate it more because money certainly do not grow on trees. Where it is green and plenty. One should eat food one oneself earn.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Tender Love!"

I believe women should not try to act as some men do when they try to toy with women emotions. For some women to adopt that kind of behavior, is only hurting themselves. It will be wise for women not to play with men loving emotions. Men are very sensitive to love. Some men do not know how to love. They have to be taught how to love by women who are sensitive, and who will bring out their softness of love.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

"A Promise Committed To Love"

Did you know that God performed the first marriage when He had a deep sleep fall upon Adam, and He took one of his ribs and then He closed the flesh over its place, and He build the rib into a woman, Eve, and God took her to him. "Then the man said: 'This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, because from man this one was taken'. That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh." Genesis 2: 21-24
Many couples think that living together before marriage will help them test out their compatibility. Trail marriage does not test one of the most crucial elements of marriage - commitment. No arrangement other than marriage offers the same degree of protection and security to all parties - including any children that may result from the union. In the eyes of God, living together consensually without the benefit of marriage is fornication. 1 Corinthians 6:18; Hebrews 13:4
If one is not ready for this solemn commitment, one is not ready for marriage. The idea of a solemn commitment frightens many people, but if you really love the person you intend to marry, commitment will not seem like a burden. The sense of a commitment implied in marriage will make a couple want to stay together through good and bad times. They should be supportive of each other come what may.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Sweet Madness!"

We all have to make allowances for our imperfection. If a dispute should arises, we should be the first to humbly apologize to one another. It should be an apology from the heart. The thing about a heartfelt apology is everyone can feel an heartfelt apology. It's real.
Let's not be set in a provoked state of madness. We need love to grow with kindness. "Madness with sweetness of kindness for goodness sake!"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Yes, Let's Talk About Sex!"

Sex is truly meant for married couples for reproducing and for their desirable pleasing of one another. Apostle Paul wrote, "Now I say to the unmarried persons and the widows, it is well for them that they remain even as I am. But if they do not have self-control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to be inflamed [with passion]" 1 Corinthians 7: 8,9.
The solemn commitment of marriage is the benefits. Marriage is a promise of security and desirable pleasing. It is better that one do not vow than to vow and do not pay.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"A Head Of The Gang!"

I also believe a little boy who is good, happy, and fun spirit is as equally as beautiful. He is a true prince and no prince have a fear of being called anything. Modesty and soundness of mind will help him to have wisdom which is his true "shield of love!"
Let no one bully you in making you feel less than brilliant.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

"Prettiness Of Heart!"

I believe any little girl who is good, happy, and fun spirit is beautiful. And that she is beautiful on the inside which shows her beauty from the outside. She is a princess and no princess fear the word of being called ugly. Modesty and soundness of mind will help her to have wisdom, which is the true "crown of beauty."
Let no one bully you thinking you anything less than beautiful!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Some Women Cheating Hearts!

Why do some women cheats in their relationships? Honestly, I do not know; however, I do know that it could be a number of reasons which does not make it right. I think they should end the relationship first before getting involved in another relationship. Even if they feel that their relationships have already ended in their hearts, they should not let their men be the last to know. I think some women should be honest with themselves, first.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Husbands Respect Your Wives!"

How a husband treats his wife, is character, and it is more important in his business community. If a husband can not respect his personal life, how would or why would he respect his business life. If he cheat in his personal life, he would also cheat in his business life.
What one does in one's personal life, is also a reflection upon one's business life. One can not be so terrible at one, and so good and bright at the other. Life does not work that way. They are both operated on the same life experiences. Husbands love and respect your wives, and wives love and respect your husbands!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

"The Power Of Self!"

We all have the right answer that lay within ourselves. We should stop blaming others for our own shortcomings and tendencies and work on improving them as individuals. This will mean educating ourselves more because knowledge is power. We have to learn to play the game when there is no exception to the rules because self-discipline is more power. And we have to show much love toward one another because love is again power of understanding.
We have the power to keep ourselves together in minds, souls, and bodies.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Where Peaceful Water Flows!"

If one is going to allow anyone in one's life, it must be in harmony with one's own life. A relationship has to be like a flow of water; otherwise, one can flow just fine and better by oneself.
It is all about self love. Some people sees oneself in other eyes when one does not even exist in one's own eyes. This is sad because some women and men feel that they are worthless without someone or anyone in their lives. It does even matter to them whether they are bring peace or war. We must always look for peace and harmony in our lives even if we find it only within ourselves alone but not in loneliness.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

"An Old Maid!"

In the days when women had to be in agreement with men, they would be in tears, harden and very much in resentment of becoming "an old maid"; otherwise, life will pass them up. An old maid thought of as a frozen access, unloved, uncaring but very much respected. Today, it has the same impact, and it has also embraced the "baby's momma" term.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Sugar Pie!"

When you really care for someone, you want that person to be happy. It is the little things in a relationship that keeps couple together. A couple deserve to be happy and peace in their relationship. Yes, it is the little things which will bring so much happiness in a growing and breathing relationship.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

"A Commitment Of Love!"

I believe a commitment is an agreement of a true promise. Everyone has one own opinion on what a commitment is to one. Commitment is such a broad subject. There seem to be variety of commitments. It could be a commitment of loyalty, honesty, faithfulness or marriage with all of its splendors. I believe a small commitment should be establish at the beginning of the relationship. As time moves on, the relationship should move to a bigger and better commitment of truth.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Take Your Love Back!"

I don't like to be around negative people. I pick up on negativity very quickly. Negativity can be like an eating away disease with no common relief. It's certainly not recommended to have negative people around as one's associates. Especially, when one is striving for satisfaction and perfection, they will only bring one down mentally while they strive for their own personal fulfillment and still not winning.
It is always good to go with one's own strong thought out liking and feeling. One can not go wrong with self-assurance and faith. One should learn to let go of the negative things in one's life.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

"Love Is Beautiful!"

Love! When a couple has real true love for on another, love never fail. In order for relationships to substance the test of time, couples must have a loving love and respect for one another. Whether one believes or not, there are such love which are called: "love at first sight" and "soul mates." These are the love which touch the loving spirit.
It's true there are many kinds of love. That's the reason we should all learn the differences of "Love!" Love rejoices with the truth.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Sex Is Not A Game!"

Promoting sex to me is glamorize, it like there is nothing wrong with sex. True, there is nothing wrong with having sex when it is done by married couples which it is meant. Sex is overrated and misused by so many people who have no concept in what they have already done to their future. Sex is a spiritual thing between married couples, and when it is not between married couples, it becomes a slave of the flesh. Respect the your body!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Life Worth Dreams!"

I find that a lot of people are making that move to start their own businesses. They seem to be getting away from the 9 to 5 business life. This is great more and more people are following their life long dreams of starting their own businesses. And the way the economy is today, is not a bad thing for one to start one's own business. I hope a lot more people follow their life long dreams including me.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Free Enterprise Without A Heart!"

On the streets, I made a few lost investments myself. I once bought this radio off the street, and when I got it back to my office, I found out that it only plays the AM stations and not the FM stations. Now, I don't buy anything off the street because I can't take it back for a refund, finalized sale!
I once had a table on layaway at a furniture store. I left a $20.00 deposit on it. I had forgotten all about that table I had on layaway. When I did go back, the furniture store was not there anymore. There was a women clothing store in its place. The strange thing is that I never received a notification stating the furniture store was going out of business or its relocation.
It is so important that a business small or large establish good customer service with the customers because it is the business that will lose at a greater cost!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

"The Good Book!"

The good book is known as the Bible. What the Bible means to me is to read God's words because I find that it provides spiritual food for a starving spirit within. "'Man must live, not on bread alone...'" Matthew 4:4 We serve God with spirit. We must maintain a physically and spiritually balance. There is a balance of law.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

"To Serve With Greatness, Respectively!"

One serves others, and one doesn't expect them to serve one in return. One takes the lowest place not the first place. One acts as the least important one not the most important one. One serves others each and everyday with one's hard work. One allows oneself to be one of the little ones when, in fact, one is one of the great ones. One should be first, but one choose to be the last one.
Jesus said that the one who wants to be first should act like a slave toward others. "Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave." Matthew 20: 20-28
Hard working dedicated people who serve the population!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Polygamy - Lifestyle!"

"Polygamy: Some cultures allow a man to take more than one wife. In such an atmosphere, the man may become an overlord rather than a husband and father. Furthermore, polygamous marriage often fosters competition among wives. For Christians, the Bible allows only singleness or monogamy." The Secret of Family Happiness
"yet, because of prevalence of fornication, let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband." 1 Corinthians 7:2 It should hold more true today because of all the sexual transmitted diseases there are. The sexual transmitted diseases are what killing off the population. There is an order of living whether one like it or not. To play against the order of things, one will loose and loose out.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Are Wonderful!

I believe if a man who does not plan to have children, should not plan to have sex with a woman he has not married. I believe a father should be married and have good morals for his children. I believe as well he should be a good husband, first to the child's mother. It's true we are not perfect people, but this is no reason not to strive to be perfect with good moral values. I am not preaching nor am I judging, but the time is near to have up standard values and beliefs.
And now, you may go in the forbidden living rooms and take a nap on the sodas with the Sunday newspapers surrounding you all over the floor. May you always have peace, fathers.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Be True To Oneself; Be True To Have One Mate!

We are living in a trouble world because some men are not trying to preserve the origin of families, and some women are just out to get their or just take what is not their. A woman, who goes into a relationship knowing that the man is married or involved with someone, goes into the relationship hoping that she can change that man's mind about his wife or his girlfriend, and when she can't there is a fatal attraction?
When a man take on another other woman, he take on his own peace of mind. And we can't say enough about all the sexual transmitted diseases out there, the diseases today are like the great flood in Noel's days. All the money in the world can't save a person life nor can it bring long term happiness by taking on another love affair. Be true to oneself; be true to have one mate!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Four Credit Cards And A Debt"

At one time, there should not have been any place in society for credit cards because credit cards were highway robbery. On the other hand debit cards have always prove to be a more sensible way to handle on the move cash money because there is no payment of interest.
There were four credit cards, and than there was none.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Mastering The Art Of Me, Myself And I!"

Self love is in tuned with oneself. If one is truly in tuned with oneself, it is never easy to just allow anyone in one's life who does not have love for one as well. One must learn to be one's own best friend because no one else will care or love as much as one care for one's own self.
"Me, Myself and I," should always be in harmony with the three for one self love. One has to be in tuned with oneself for all loneliness to be forgotten. One should always take quality time in learning to respect oneself.
It is okay to be alone, but it's not okay to feel loneliness. Take the time to celebrate "Me, Myself and I" more of the three for one love!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Danger Zone!"

I believe when a man hits a woman, he does not love her. His love for her, I believe, is to hit her and to break her loving spirit. If he has not hit her in a long time, he feels he should hit her because he is now use to afflicting the abuse upon her. I believe that keep the abuse continually going.
The life you save; it has to be your own.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Investing Capital!"

After that wonderful idea and business plan, it takes capital. Yes, it takes money to invest in one's plan for business. I suggest that one goes to the government website for grants. It's your money anyway!
Always have an eye for details!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Kiss Of Love!"

There is kissing, and than there's kissing. Sweet loving kiss is a feeling of love. A heartfelt kiss can calm the spirit down because it is a heart to heart kiss of love. It tells the secret of the hearts, and without knowing it, it seals the love in a relationship from the hearts.
May we always remember our mothers' heartfelt kisses!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"Will You Respect Me In The Morning?"

Over the years, I have come to realize that it is not a good idea for a lady to stay over night at a gentleman's home because he will not take her seriously. It is not a serious move for the lady if she plans to be marry, unless the lady wants to play games; nevertheless, it is not a smart move.
I believe children should not be subject to their parents' acquaintances immediately too. Especially, when the parents knew the acquaintances for only three months, it is not enough time to be seriously involved anyway. Parents should take adequate time to get to know who they are allowing in their own lives first, before allowing other in their children's lives.
A lady should never appear to be so desperate just because he promise her the stars, the moon, and the glowing sunset!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

"Men Shortage Is It?"

The strange thing is that some men always refer to the "shortage of men" concept. This may be or may not be a known fact; however, it does not mean for men to take advantage of the shortage. There is a reason why this may be possible. Maybe for men to choose wisely among so many women because men's minds can be and is effected if they do not choose wisely.
If a man choose a mate wisely, he may have peace of mind to the day he dies, but if he does not, he will always be out there chasing some woman trying to convince her how much he loves her, and still someone else on the side line to confess his dying love too as well.
Simply because, he does not have enough confident in himself to put his heart and soul on the line for the one woman he does love. Eventually, it will destroy him because he does not have enough faith and trust in himself to love the one woman that he does love, so very sad.
Men, you don't have to save "Woman's World!" It's okay to love and cherish only one woman!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Blame It On 'The Brady Bunch'!"

"The Brady Bunch" never spoke of the ex's, and it overall grammar was correct usage. "The Brady Bunch" had everyone saying, "Hey, we are nothing like 'The Brady Bunch' something must we wrong with us!"
I believe they would have been off the air had they used incorrect grammar. Studying correct usage of grammar in school at the time and my favor pass time was watching the "The Brady Bunch", on television after school, were reinforcement of correct grammar for many as well as well as observing how the TV family solved its problems so perfectly done.
The true is that we are all dysfunctional people, and if we speak and do things correctly, are plus for all of us.
"...and that's the way, we all became the 'The Brady Bunch'!"

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"That's Some Good Cornbread!"

No, there is nothing in the cornbread that make the taste so special; however, one may want to check the oven it's cooking in because the goodness lies in the heat.
Most women have been taught to be aware. Our being strong is often mistaking as physical power of combative when it is simply our emotional strength in getting things done.
If one really think about it, we have to work twice as hard to maintain because everyone looks upon us for the answers. We must be strong to last the test of time. There is simply no time to just break down and cry over a broken "British red" well finish polished nail!
Now, that's some good cornbread!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"A Real Player For You!"

The player in this case is a love gambler. He gambles on women's hearts, minds and money along with their true existence. A player will never throw in his women not even on his death bed, and he plays the game well, so he think. He will never admit that he is a player. This is how he survives the gain with his winnings. When a player results into cheating, he knows he is loosing the game. He is now face with a better player than himself, game over.
A cheating mate is like a coward little mice. He will go and snatched up the cheese while the cat's back is turned, and than run back where he knows it to be safe for the moment. A cheater is mentally and physically an unhealthy mate.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

"The Sounds Of Negativity!"

I can sometime hear the echo sounds of some past acquaintances saying: "Oh, you don't know that much about relationships to be writing about it!" What is there to know? This is about my imagination and creativity. Or, "It's not that much money in drawing!" It's not about the money. And, this one proves to be my all time favorite, "Oh, women should can think of those plots to make a man's life miserable!" This is just drama on paper; drama to go if you will.
Whenever I hear negativity like that, I'm out. I am not waiting around for Act II or Act III, and it doesn't even matter who it is coming from family or friends. I'm out!
Coming to a theater near you!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Yes, Mongogamous Men Do Exist!"

Ladies don't you remember; they are the men that got away. They are also the same "Good Men" that some of us refer to as weak. Some women will never know how it feels to have a one and only one woman man because he will be with his one and only true love.
So, if a man tell you, he has a woman, leave him alone. If you do not leave him alone, you will not be the only woman in his life. Don't play yourself because you will loose. You might not have a monogamous man or may know of one, so sad for you, but they do exist. Make no mistake about it. A "Good Man" is a monogamous man. They do not come any better than that!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Game Recognizes Game!"

What it took to get that person; it takes the same thing to keep that person. If one is going to change up the game, change it up with something equally as loving and caring. It's not all about one in a love affair. One should not just flap the love script for the worse. Make up your mind. Some people will never change because they can't stop playing the game.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"Humpty-Dumpty Had A Great Fall!"

It is not easy to remain in a loving relationship when the love is not there, and it is indeed extremely difficult to remain when the love is gone. One should not be subjective to emotional and mental abuse just for the sake of one's children. It is true the children do need both parents in the home, but not to the extend, a parent is to be miserable in the home just for the sake of the children.
Sometime a relationship can be damaged beyond repair, and all the king's men and all the king's horsemen can't put "Mom and Dad" back together again. Communication can break into bit of pieces.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Tag Names, You It!"

There are so many reasons how some people get tag named by others. One way would be to establish the identity of a person to another person. Especially, if there are more than one person with the same first name in the circle of acquaintances, would be a way.
One may also identify one by using one's strong physical features, personalities, or attributes. One associates a person with the tag name that was once giving during the period of adolescent years, singing groups, bands, even a notorious criminal.
Name tags good or bad, "Long Tall Sally, Bertha Butt, Skinny Diane, Pretty Boy Floyd, Scarface Al, Baby Face Nelson..."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Warning Of Unfaithfulness!"

Would I tell if I were faced with such a dilemma of my friend's man "pushing up on" me? Yes, I would tell her, but not only would I tell, I would not allow myself to get closer involved and make myself available to be around my friend's man.
This way she can continues to see him if she likes, but she has been warned of his unfaithfulness, and why I choose not to continue to make myself available to be around them.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Moma Said!"

I remember when I was just a little girl about the tender age of eight. I told my mother all the wonderful toys and things that my friends in school had and that I didn't have anything?
My mother looked at me, and she said, "You should be thanking God that you have your five senses, your hands and legs, and you are in good health. And you don't have anything? So, which do you prefer, your five senses, with working bodies parts or all the toys that your friends in school have, you decide."
I opened my mouth to speak and I thought, "What kind of fairy tale question is that to ask? My mother said, "Think before you speak." I meditated on what my mother had said while my mouth was still opened. I thought to myself that they too had their five senses, hands and legs, and were in good health. I politely closed my mouth and walked quietly away from my mother with my head held down.
Until this day, I don't worry about who have what, and if I have to give something up, it's gone. Appreciation goes a long way then any of us could imagine.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Take The Chain Off The Brain!"

There are no skin tone on earth better than the other. Skin tone does not determine one's intelligence or capable abilities. Let no one be judged by the color of one's skin but by the content of one's character, and even then, one must not judge. Only you must free your own mind of the skin color schemes. Don't be a slave to a color of the mind! Free your mind!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"A Toast To Good Health!"

May good health be our top priority. It certainly is good habit forming to go to the doctor for a regular check up for medical prevention. I wish all of you good health and good clean living in the near future. We all want one another to be around! May we all stay in good health!

"Dining Room Of Life!"

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds and a toast to cheer our thoughts. "Dinner Is Served!"