Sunday, January 24, 2010

"A Toast To Good Health!"

May good health be our top priority. It certainly is good habit forming to go to the doctor for a regular check up for medical prevention. I wish all of you good health and good clean living in the near future. We all want one another to be around! May we all stay in good health!

"Get Out Of Her, My people..."

One should draw close to God. One must learn that it is possible to have a personal and intimacy relationship with God then one is not so easily misled by others. One should not allow a go between God and oneself. In my heart, Jesus gave his life upon the torture stake for us to have an one on one relationship with God. It is through one's "Faith" that anything and everything is possible with God in his only be loved son's name, Jesus Christ.
If one should know a church to be corrupted, get away from it because God's spirit is not there. "Get out of her, my people..." Revelation 18:4

Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Precious One!"

There should be accountability from both parents of their hearts to provide for their own offspring. Their offspring has to be cared for emotionally, physically, financilly, and spiritually of sincere love
The parents are to come together in providing the needs and wants for their beautiful and loving child without told to do so. This is no longer about the couple who became unwilling parents. How much money it takes to raise a child? Priceless!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

"It Just Takes Two, You And Me!"

To raise healthy well balance emotional children, we have a better chance as parents when we are contributing to their children welfare. I have learned that I can not be a father to my son. No matter how hard or much I try to be, I can only be who I am meant to be and that's his mother. I certainly can teach him strength and courage from a woman's point of view, but I can never teach him the strenght and courage of a man's point of view. It takes a man and a woman to raise a fine young man as well as it takes a man and a woman to raise a respectable young lady because of our own point of views.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"With Love!"

A submissive person does not mean for one to give up one's human right to think for oneself, nor does it means to wait on someone hand and foot willingly or unwillingly. A healthy way of thinking of submission would be for one to open up one's heart to trust and to know that one has one best interest at heart.
Husbands who believe with godly devotion know that headship is not a dictatorship, but it is a partnership of love and caring for the family. A husband who exercises headship does for the benefit, not for himself, of caring for the interest of his family.

"Dining Room Of Life!"

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds and a toast to cheer our thoughts. "Dinner Is Served!"