Sunday, December 27, 2009

"Be Strong And Hold On!"

There are so many men who confuse a woman being strong as physical power for combat when strong lies in a woman emotions. Yes, emotions are her maintaining strength and will power to carry her on with life challenges.
A strong independent woman is a woman who can hold her own without collapsing under life pressures. Once life has tested a woman strength, she is no longer a match for the ordinary love affair. He has got to be a god-fearing man who does not think he is God.
Happy New Year of 2010!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Traveling That Narrow Road"

We all have found ourselves standing at the crossroad wondering which way to go without the option of "keep straight ahead".
We are born with a brain to know the different between right from wrong as well as good from bad. To do what is right, it is like traveling on a narrow road. One is not going to find many people traveling on a narrow road, but if one is doing what is wrong, it is like traveling on a wide road because everybody is traveling on that wide road.
Whatever road one chooses to travel, one is met with whatever it is on the that road. When one realizes one is traveling on the wide road, one may find one's way back to the narrow road by asking God for direction and guidance. It's all about choosing to travel on the right road of life.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Mission Accomplished!"

Yes, it is possible for today's woman to allow a man to lead her. As set in her ways as she may be, it's possible. He will have to be a great man in many ways; such as, he must have good moral living standards, he must be a good financial provider, and he must have a common goal to share with her.
It takes a great man to lead a great woman. Most of all, he has to be dependable and reliable. There is no other way. True love never fail when the mission is accomplished.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Team Of Marriage"

In a true committed relationship, I believe one should not run at the first sign of trouble. Marriage should be team work. And there shouldn't be any one else permitted on the team except for God. The game plans and strategies of a marriage have to be established before entering into the marriage. Marriage should be a team play of peace of mind, finance and children. The team has to be ready at all time against its opponents. I believe marriage is truly a team against the world.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

"Control Yourselves!"

One should learn to value self-control. Having self-control is vital if one wants to have a happy marriage. One who surrenders to destructive immoral lust will cause damage that will take years to repair if it can be repaired at all.
One should also pray for self-control and associate with the ones who show self-control, and avoid the ones who do not. This will help us to get away from fornication even when we are tempted by a cheating heart. Self-control is restraining our physical desires.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Sticks And Stones!"

"...may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" But words do hurt. And when you are a child, they hurt even more. Words can be used as knives. They may not break a bone, but they will cut deep like knives. And for any parent saying hurful words to a child, can destroy a child as the words were meant to be.
As parents, we have to be careful how we speak of the other parent. Children love both parents simply out of common decency. If a parent is not providing as much, children will draw their own conclusion.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Working Parents"

In most households, both parents are working outside of the home. Since this is the case, I believe that both parents should help in keeping their home in the utmost good condition. I also believe that the children should be allow to take proud in their home as well; such as, keeping their bedrooms clean, keeping toys out of the middle of the floor, keeping the waste baskets empty, washing the dishes, setting the table for dinner, and so far. (age appropriate of course) Little things such as this will help Mom out as well as Dad.
In other households, there is one parent who is working outside of the home, and the other parent is working in the home. The parent that work at home should be better capable of caring for the home, but the whole family has to know that one is responsible for picking up after oneself, and more so, if that parent who works in the home, should fall ill.
"There is no place like home!" 'There is no place like home!" There is no place like home!"

Sunday, November 8, 2009

"The Comfort of Food"

-----Yes, there are lots of food served up at many different functions and occasions. We serve food at our parties, bridal showers, baby showers, weddings, graduations, family reunions, funerals and many other occasional functions.
-----There are sometime so much food at times one can certainly eat oneself like a "junk yard dog!" But even a "junk yard dog," knows when to stop eating junk out of the yard. One has to be careful of the intake of food. All food are not good for one simply because of the way it had been prepared. We should eat healthy, and we will certainly enjoy a healthy life. We should always eat plenty of fresh fruits and nuts.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

"The Making Of A Princess!"

Every parents know when they have a princess on their hands. Life become more serious than one thought life could ever be. The storybook fairy tale is not so easily told now. The only way to protect and shield the princess of this cold cold world is to prepare her of this cold heartless world at an early tender age. This way the princess is not so easily misled of wrong doing or to take to heart of misunderstandings.

The princess should be able to walk through life with her head held high with dignity and grace and with the ability to out smart pack of wolves. The princess has to know that her body is not a recreational facility for men to play. She must be taught that her love in not freely given, and she is not to hurry love, but give love a chance to grow.

As women , we should look for men who appreciate our accomplishments. We should never hold back our excellence, and we should never keep our opinions and talents under wrap. Let the world know and see what we have accomplished in life. The right men will always allow us to shine because they will be "princes of kindness." Never dim your own light, is the making of a princess.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Yes, Little Ones Too!"

It is so important as parents to teach all ages of our children about sex. We should never discuss private parts in a bad way to our children. When we teach our little ones their body parts, we should teach them the proper names of their private parts as well. Teaching our children that their private parts are special, and they are not to be touched or exposed by or to others. We should teach our children all there are about sexual matters and immoral ways. By teaching our children, we are helping them to protect themselves from harm and wrong influences.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Young Hearts Be Free!"

May it not be in one's plans to have a child out of wedlock on purpose. It's true no marriage is guaratee to last, but at least, one gives marriage an honest try. No one can foresee an unfortunate circumstance that will lead one to face a single parent's life. To have a child purposely on one's own, is highly not recommended.
It is unfair to bring the child in this world on purpose knowing that the father is not in the plans to be apart of the child's tender life. One will be doing a great injustice to one's child. One must learn to think like a parent before one is actually become a parent!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"The Keys To A Successful Marriage"

I believe that the keys to a successful marriage should be love and respect. The first key is love. The romantic love should be cultivated by a husband and a wife, but they should have love for God first in the marriage. The second key is respect. They should have respect for each other in the marriage.
Loving married couples cultivate and have "intense love" for one another because love covers a multitude of errors since we are imperfect human. Love is a perfect bond of union.
Success marriage leads to mutual love and mutual respect. Because the relationship is like a flower, it needs love and respect to grow. Husbands and wives should show honor toward one another in order to have a happy marriage. The relationship should come first because it is a perfect bond of union.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Can't Live On Love Alone!"

I think a man does not have to be filthy rich, but he does have to be financially stable. It takes money to enjoy the simplest and the finest things in life. It takes money to eat well. It takes money to maintain wellness in good health. It takes money to sail the seven seas in the world, and it even takes money to reside in the utmost desirable places. It is as equally important for one to have one's own money.

Even, the prettiest girl needs her own money.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"The Greatest Love!"

Have you ever wonder why we have sunny days, and than we have dark, cold, wet, and gloomy days? Because, everything has its season to grow and to change.

We as human have high points and low points in life too. The low points do not make life any less valuable while we experience them. We have to realize that we are not going to be at this low point forever. If it was not for the low points, how could we ever rejoice while we experience such high great points in our lives?
Please stop contemplating of taking the greatest gift that we all receive from God. Your own life is worth more than an unwilling love or imperfect situation. Love will come again and a better situation again and again, but not your precious life.
Life is not so hard when you service yourself with the greatest love to love yourself.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Cow Bells For Sale!"

Yes, I believe that cohabitation does not provide the benefit of marriage. There is no true commitment in a trial marriage nor does it give clear evidence of comparability.
Marriage does offer security and protection for both parties as well as the children who may result from the marriage. In reality, cohabiting is an unwise approach to marriage. It is better to enter directly in the marriage without any cohabitation.
"If you can get the milk for free, why buy the cow!" "Put a ring on it, put a bell around it!"

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Getting To Know One's Self!"

It is wise that one learn the art of getting to know who and what one is all about. One must learn the art of being alone, quiet time if one please, all by one lonesome. One should learn to handle responsibilties and to make decisions. One should take the time to think about treating others in a kind and respectful way. One must work on one's qualities of faith, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, and self-control, just to name a few. One can take care of one's body, soul and mind by mastering the art of being alone. I believe that these qualities will put one in a better light when one do decide to marry. One has to take the time to spend years living as a young, single adult. It will give one precious experinece that will make one more mature and better qualified to be a suitable mate. As a woman, I have to pay more attention to the "secret person of the heart" than I do to my physcial appearance not that I let my physcial appearance go astray. I'm just saying. These are qualities that will prove to be valuable in the future.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

"What's The Fuss!"

You know what I fine to be so disturbing?  Is one who is single and attends a place of worship on a regular basis, and who is still engaged in premarital sex.  I feel at one point one would realize that this is fornication.  Fornication happens to be one of the Ten Commandments.  I do find that there are ones who are sprirtual and have great faith in God, and yet they do not attend any place of worship.  They live righeous lives.  The Bible does give us fair warning.  Just a thought.  What do you think?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Welcome World To My Table Of Life!

 Hello World!

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds in this world.  You are welcome to my table of joy of merry, love of happiness, and pain of sorrow.  Even sorrow could do us all a world of good.  We will learn from our mistakes in life to make us all better people.  We will learn the do's and don't's to gain happiness in life.  We all have our say.  Please make a comment.  We will pass the breads, the peas, and toast our glasses of iced tea to cheer our thoughts.  "Dinner is served!"

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Hello, This is going to be fun!"

I know that this is going to be alot fun blogging, sharing information and communicating. This is the way to go. Have fun everybody.

"Dining Room Of Life!"

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds and a toast to cheer our thoughts. "Dinner Is Served!"