Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Love Will Carry Us Through!"

I find that self center women hate on other women because they want to be the center of the attention themselves.  Some women is miserable whether she is involved or not.

Yes, women do communicate without ever having to said a word out loud.  For instance, if a woman is out with her man whether they are out in a club or having dinner at a restaurant or what have you, some women would walk in the place as if to say, "Hey everyone, I got a man with me.  Check out this outfit I'm wearing.  You got to have a man to wear this outfit.  In fact, this outfit comes with a man!" The other women are looking on at her as if to say, "You don't look so hot!  Why is he with her?  She is just trying to get that man kill wearing that outfit!  Now, she must know that outfit is much too revealing.  Huh, that outfit would look better on me, I wonder if that outfit comes in my size!!!

Only women can fully understand this, but then again, maybe the fellas do understand.  This is nothing to be proud of ladies!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

"Call Me The Moment!"

You get there.  Another love song that is on my mind.  This is the kind of song that has the ring of truth to it own time.  Now, we can talk or text on our way to wherever we go while we stay close to love.  Love is such a beautiful thing.  Love is the act of kindness.   

Sunday, July 14, 2013

"Love Twins!"

Love twins, they are like two peas in a pot.  They finish each other sentences.  When you see one, you know that the other can not be too far away.  How can you tell love apart from love?  What one feels; the other one feels it too, good or bad.  They are one of a kind love affair.  Love twins are the twins of marriage and togetherness.  May every marriages have so much love. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

"Hello World!"

Live, Love and Laugh!

Live your life with the sole of happiness.
Love with the sense of kindness.
Laugh with the pure joy of joyousness.

"Dining Room Of Life!"

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds and a toast to cheer our thoughts. "Dinner Is Served!"