Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Tag Names, You It!"

There are so many reasons how some people get tag named by others. One way would be to establish the identity of a person to another person. Especially, if there are more than one person with the same first name in the circle of acquaintances, would be a way.
One may also identify one by using one's strong physical features, personalities, or attributes. One associates a person with the tag name that was once giving during the period of adolescent years, singing groups, bands, even a notorious criminal.
Name tags good or bad, "Long Tall Sally, Bertha Butt, Skinny Diane, Pretty Boy Floyd, Scarface Al, Baby Face Nelson..."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Warning Of Unfaithfulness!"

Would I tell if I were faced with such a dilemma of my friend's man "pushing up on" me? Yes, I would tell her, but not only would I tell, I would not allow myself to get closer involved and make myself available to be around my friend's man.
This way she can continues to see him if she likes, but she has been warned of his unfaithfulness, and why I choose not to continue to make myself available to be around them.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Moma Said!"

I remember when I was just a little girl about the tender age of eight. I told my mother all the wonderful toys and things that my friends in school had and that I didn't have anything?
My mother looked at me, and she said, "You should be thanking God that you have your five senses, your hands and legs, and you are in good health. And you don't have anything? So, which do you prefer, your five senses, with working bodies parts or all the toys that your friends in school have, you decide."
I opened my mouth to speak and I thought, "What kind of fairy tale question is that to ask? My mother said, "Think before you speak." I meditated on what my mother had said while my mouth was still opened. I thought to myself that they too had their five senses, hands and legs, and were in good health. I politely closed my mouth and walked quietly away from my mother with my head held down.
Until this day, I don't worry about who have what, and if I have to give something up, it's gone. Appreciation goes a long way then any of us could imagine.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Take The Chain Off The Brain!"

There are no skin tone on earth better than the other. Skin tone does not determine one's intelligence or capable abilities. Let no one be judged by the color of one's skin but by the content of one's character, and even then, one must not judge. Only you must free your own mind of the skin color schemes. Don't be a slave to a color of the mind! Free your mind!

"Dining Room Of Life!"

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds and a toast to cheer our thoughts. "Dinner Is Served!"