Sunday, July 25, 2021

"It Takes A Lot Of Love!"


It's true; we do not know much about Covid-19, but what we do know is that one has a better chance in surviving Covid-19 with the Covid-19 vaccine than without it. The vaccine gives one a fighting chance to life.

Remember, there is no cure for the common cold. A common cold will give you a common warning not Covid-19. It's not so common. From what I understand, they both start off as common but not so.

It takes a lot of love to get vaccinated. Share the love; get vaccinated. Let's keep each other safe.

Please wear your mask, wash your hands, gargle with mouthwash because Covid-19 is known to cause sore throats, keep your distance, get vaccinated, and stay safe with love. 💘

Sunday, July 18, 2021

"Husband and Wife!"


It's "Man and Wife" as the legend goes!

Please wear your mask,wash your hands, gargle with mouthwash because Covid-19 is known to cause sore throats, keep your distance, get vaccinated, and stay safe with love.  💘

Sunday, July 11, 2021


"Seems like my life has finally come together.

Every day that goes by suddenly feels much better.

It's the things that you do so unlike any other.

Just when I thought I could never love another...

...I'm fallin'; I'm fallin'; yes sir, I'm fallin' in love. I'm in love..."

Sung by Melba Moore

Please wear your mask,wash your hands, gargle with mouthwash because Covid-19 is known to cause sore throats, keep your distance,get vaccinated, and stay safe with love.  💘

Sunday, July 4, 2021

"Happy Fourth of July!"


Enjoy your day of celebration. There is so much for America to celebrate. Enjoy freedom. It's well earned.

Please wear your mask, wash your hands, gargle with mouthwash because Covid-19 is known to cause sore throats, keep your distance, get vaccinated, and stay safe with love. 💘

"Happy Independence Day!" Have fun safely!

"Dining Room Of Life!"

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds and a toast to cheer our thoughts. "Dinner Is Served!"