Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Sweet Forget Me Nots!"

I believe there are a lot of women who had good men in their lives, but they could not recognize them because of the rose colored glasses. Some women grew up to be 'daddy's little girl' well into adulthood. Daddy is to the rescue; daddy is always there to lend a helping hand. I believe some fathers have cripple their own daughters. By this, I mean all they have to do is share a little tear and get their way, not so. This type of behavior is not going to work or always work with the men in their lives. No one likes a cry baby!
My sisters and I would say, "He's a good man!" just by looking at him. My grandmother would always say, "You all wouldn't know a good man if you stare him in the face!" We would say, "What does that mean?", to one another, "What is it that Madear is trying to say!"
I know now what my grandmother was saying! You have to get to know the man first to give him the chance to "prove" what he can or can't do. Not what he "looks" like he can or can't do. Which is alway the key, is to get to know. That's the key!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Trust And Faith!"

The true is no man can promise any woman monogamy, and truly means it. He will have to pray to God for the strength not to commit the sin. Apostle Paul wrote, "But even if you did marry, you would commit no sin. And if a virgin [person] married, such one would commit no sin. However, those who do will have tribulation in their flesh. But I am sparing you." 1 Corinthians 7:28
One would have to ask oneself, "Do I want to do what is right, or do I want to do what is wrong!" Doing what is right, goes a long, long way not "If loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right!" Think before you act because there are serious consequences lurking in the darkness. One might not can promise, but one does have control over one's action.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"We All Need A Hero!"

Yes, we all need a hero in our lives. Someone, we admire with all of our hearts. Someone, we love and cherish. Someone, who is kind and loving. Someone, who is thoughtful and giving. Someone, we can count on. Someone, who is trustworthy. And someone, who will speak up. Yes, we are our own heroes.
My hero!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"Mean What You Say, And Say What You Mean!"

If you are going to say something, mean what you say. There are too many people who hang on others' every words. The minute something happens; they claim that they didn't mean it literally. Well, you said,"...!" If you don't mean something literally, why say, indicate, or mention it?
We all are responsible for what we say, do, and put out there. I think some people put things out there in hope someone will react on the motion. And that is just ungodly.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Happy New Year Of 2011!"

May we all have a happy and wonderful New Year. May it be fill with peace, love and happiness that God provides for us all. May we continue to help and assist each others in many healthy ways and may we continue to have a healthy out look on life throughout the this year and years to come.
May we all find: joy, forgiveness, goodness, mildness, faith, mercy, long suffering, self control, peace, love, happiness, and kindness of fine qualities within ourselves, not necessarily in this order. I wish you all peace of mind.
Have a safe and happy New Year! Together, we can make this year grand! Happy 2011 with much an affiliated love!

"Dining Room Of Life!"

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds and a toast to cheer our thoughts. "Dinner Is Served!"