Sunday, December 29, 2013


May we all continue to be kind to one another.
May we all continue to have love and mercy in our hearts.
May we all continue to have wellness.
May we all continue to have faith.
And may we all continue to pray for peace for all mankind.

Have a Happy New Year of 2014!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

"There Is A Meeting In The Ladies Room!"

Girl, you are going to go down in history with your bottle lip all poked out.  You must know this.

"Oh child, he just being a man.  Don't be worried about him!  Don't be mad at him, now.  Look of here, you got yourself a good man.  You just keep him happy.  You hear.  Now, go ahead.  I got the baby."   Courtesy from the movie, "What's love got to do with it"

Keep smiling and be charming.  After all, you too have a legacy to preserve.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

"Sunshine, Blue Sky!"

Is the feeling that every loving married couples and the most serious relationships should feel.  May they always feel the sunshine of love in their hearts and the blue sky above their love for one another each and everyday. 

It's always the small gestures of love that keeps the relationship strong with love.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

"Leave The Drama At The Door!"

This is all about peace of mind.  No one wants one's mate to bring in the drama.  When one has a mate, one wants to be able to reside in peace with that mate, and one should reside in peace with one's mate.  Everything should be going well with the mate one has chosen.  After all, one has chosen one another.  Sometime, a ring just isn't enough.  One should try a little bit of understanding and tenderness. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Raise Your Own Kid, Huh?!"

We are going to raise our kids and raise your too.  Sounds like a poker card game, huh?  We just don't want our kids running up to you saying, "I want to be just like you, Goldie!" (courtesy from the movie "The Mack").

When you are in the spotlight, you have the duty to do what is right in the eyes of the law.  We prefer to use you as example in doing what is right in the eyes of the law. 

"Happy co-parenting, Spotlight!"

Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Hello, Is It Me You Thinking Of!"

Because it is you I'm thinking of.  Love can be so dear of caring.  Feeling the want and care for someone of a mate, is a loving warm feeling.  It is only right to want the best for the mate.  May all wives and husbands think of their mate with much love and happiness.  And may they all treat one another with much love and respect.  

Sunday, November 10, 2013

"Family and Friends!"

Just remember, how can family or friends say that they love one when they are calling one out of one's name, embarrass of one, and just down to left mean to one?

The real truth about family and friends.  They are the ones who always show kindness to one.  They show their love with kind words and kind doings.  They keep one's head up facing the warmth of the radiant sunlight of their niceness and kindness.  They are the gift of kindness.  Also, they of the kind to keep around because they come with peace of mind.  If anyone, family members or friends is less than that, the family relationship or friendship is pure toxicity.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

"Love, Will Find A Way!"

Whatever one is looking for in a mate, love will find the way to happiness.  It is always good to work on oneself within to make that love light shine through.  Love always did know when to show up just at the right time in one's life.  When it comes to love, no one is any different.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

"It's The Good In You!"

Always looks for the good in people, and in return, people will look for the good in you.  Non of us is in the position to make anyone feels inadequate.  We are to show love for one another because there are where our small hidden blessings are.  Only love can and will bless us.  Always stay in the mind set of doing what is good not evil.  Just remember, your tiny or huge blessings come from how well you treat God's people as well as to love yourself. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Circles of Sisters!"

May you all be sisters to one another.
May you always be a sister to your own sisters. 
May you always be a sister to your cousins.
May you always be a sister to your best friends.
May you always be a sister to all wives and girlfriends.
And may you always keep away from their husbands and
boyfriends in the name of "Circles of Sister!"

Sunday, October 13, 2013

"No Mountain Higher Enough!"

There is no mountain higher enough to keep loving married couple apart.  May all married couples stay on the same page of loving one another and keep on loving one another.  Marriage is one of the many creation from God.  May all married couples continue to forsake all other and may they continue to have love and happiness.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"True Love Is All That Is Needed!"

When couple falling love, one hopes that it is true love.  Falling in love is like a real fall; it will take one by surprise. "Are you okay!"  "Yes, I'm just fine, Thank you!"  It is true love that one hope for in a relationship.  And in a true relationship, true love will go the distance.  One does not have to force love in a true loving relationship.  This kind of relationship does not play games with true love.  In one's relationship, one does not need to know everything if it is not major, but if one shall ask, do tell.  True love is love and respect in one's relationship of love.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

"The Warmth of Love!"

Love, it's like a burning fire keeping one warm from the heat it gives off.  When one has a love for a mate, it is a glowing enter feeling of warm comfortable love.  It's the kind of love that make one wants to do right because it's an all right do right love. 

There is a saying, "It is better to have been loved than never have been loved at all."  To the best of my perception, this means to me is if one is never loved ever again, one does know for a fact how warm true love really feels.  The warmth of the true love will always carry one through, but if one never have been loved before, one may never know the treatment of a warm true heartfelt love.    

Sunday, September 22, 2013

"It's Amazing!"

It is amazing how so many cultures think in their own cultures of the fairness and darkness of one skin tone.  It is amazing to me how some people still believe that the outer appearance of one's shade of skin is the way to go, but it is not, and it is quite a rude awakening.  When one is beautiful within, the beauty shines through to the outer surface which there is no matter of the darkness or fairness of one's skin tone.     

Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Glow Of Love!"

Every couples should feel the "Glow of Love" in their relationships.  They should always feel that a warm beaming light is shining upon their love for one another.  Love should keep them together in their love affair.  Love must be every couples sheer of unselfishness to shine. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

"Reality TV of Love!"

It must be tough playing out your personal life out on the screen.  Where everyone must feel it is one's right to express one's own opinion and uncaring opinion (at that) on your life worth. 

It must be like selling your soul out to the Devil for a cold cash dollar bill, and one's soul stamped "Final Sale!"

Sunday, September 1, 2013

"O Kings!"

"And now, O kings, exercise insight; Let yourselves be corrected, O judges of the earth."  Psalms 2:10

Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Leave The Drama!"

Leave the drama at the door.  This is all about peace of mind.  Everyone looks for peace wherever one goes, and specially in one's home, one should have peace of mind.  Love comes with peace.  Self-control comes with peace.  Faith comes with peace.  Peace comes with peace of mind.  We must always remember that only God can really give us Peace.

May there always be peace within ourselves.   

Sunday, August 18, 2013

"When Sombody Loves You Back!"

One must have the greatest respect and love for you.  One must appreciate all who you are.  And one must have the same kindness that you have showed one alone with mildness.  May peace and love always surface in our hearts.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

"It Got To Be Real!"

Real love is true love; true love is care love; care love is touch of the heart love; touch of the heart love is sensitivity love; sensitivity love is sweet love.  The kind of love that one possesses in one's loving relationship.  The love that one knows it must be impossible to be fake.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

"Make It Last Forever!"

Believe you can make your love last forever.  Forever lasting love, is your love.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Love Will Carry Us Through!"

I find that self center women hate on other women because they want to be the center of the attention themselves.  Some women is miserable whether she is involved or not.

Yes, women do communicate without ever having to said a word out loud.  For instance, if a woman is out with her man whether they are out in a club or having dinner at a restaurant or what have you, some women would walk in the place as if to say, "Hey everyone, I got a man with me.  Check out this outfit I'm wearing.  You got to have a man to wear this outfit.  In fact, this outfit comes with a man!" The other women are looking on at her as if to say, "You don't look so hot!  Why is he with her?  She is just trying to get that man kill wearing that outfit!  Now, she must know that outfit is much too revealing.  Huh, that outfit would look better on me, I wonder if that outfit comes in my size!!!

Only women can fully understand this, but then again, maybe the fellas do understand.  This is nothing to be proud of ladies!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

"Call Me The Moment!"

You get there.  Another love song that is on my mind.  This is the kind of song that has the ring of truth to it own time.  Now, we can talk or text on our way to wherever we go while we stay close to love.  Love is such a beautiful thing.  Love is the act of kindness.   

Sunday, July 14, 2013

"Love Twins!"

Love twins, they are like two peas in a pot.  They finish each other sentences.  When you see one, you know that the other can not be too far away.  How can you tell love apart from love?  What one feels; the other one feels it too, good or bad.  They are one of a kind love affair.  Love twins are the twins of marriage and togetherness.  May every marriages have so much love. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

"Hello World!"

Live, Love and Laugh!

Live your life with the sole of happiness.
Love with the sense of kindness.
Laugh with the pure joy of joyousness.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

"Anyone, Who Has A Heart!"

Anyone, who has a heart, will feel something of love.  When one releases the hurt and pain, one feels a sense of freedom.  The healing process starts within oneself, and one is most likely to trust oneself again more.  If one has a heart, one will take oneself in one's own arms and love one.   

Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Love, What Is It All About?"

Love makes the world goes around.  Love is about caring and sharing.  Love is about doing foolish things.  Love is about forgiving the past.  Love is about learning new things.  Love is about finding a way to do what is right.  Love is about treating yourself right.  There is so much about love to love.  We all need love in our lives as the world goes around.  "Love is you; love is me!" 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Honor Thy Father!"

May all fathers enjoy the day with their families and friends, and may all fathers continue to be wonderful, kind, and loving forward their children.

"Happy Father's Day!"

Sunday, June 9, 2013

"New Personality!"

We all experience a change from the things that we do.  "...and should put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty." Ephesians 4: 24.  May we all put on a new personality for the what is right.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

"Honey Love!"

What love is sweeter than honey?  Honey this; honey that.  Honey do this; honey do that.  Ooh Honeey!!!  Such a sweet loving love made out of honey.  Every honey bees have it own queen bee.  May every loving relationships exercise love as sweet like honey. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Here Comes The Bride..."

"...all dressed in white!"  Did you know that it is really the groom's day to be wed? It's true because it is a ceremony that the groom has come to the decision to take a wife and possibly now have children.  Whenever a man take the relationship on this higher level, he is serious.

Of course, there is always an exception.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

"Why Some Men Cheats?"

Now, if I shall answer this question successfully, I am sure that I will win the Nobel Peace Prize.  Shall we.  I do believe that the reason why some men cheats on his spouse is because he has no fear of the consequence if he should get caught as well as some women.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

"Honor Thy Mother!"

May every mothers are recognized and appreciated  for their goodness and the smallest sacrifices.

Enjoy your day!   "Happy Mother's Day!"

Sunday, May 5, 2013

"The Love We Save!"

I believe that "shacking up" is not going to make any great different in finding out if one is compatible or not.  It's funny how some couples can live with each others, and than they get married only to get  divorced a few months later.  It is also funny how some couples can live a lifetime with each others, and they never got married at all when the plan was meant for marriage.  I believe it will be better to get married first, and make those small adjustments along the way in the marriage.  What is there to lose?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Be Kind To Others!"

We all are caring and lovable people.  We should not take any negatives that other do to heart.  They are learning the true meaning of love by our reactions.  We have a gift of love that we have to use to help other people to live and do the best with their lives.  They have the opportunities to take it or not, but it should never be a reflection upon how we wish to live our lives. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Friendship, Such A Perfect Friendship!"

I think a real relationship is like a partnership of marriage.  It's a perfect friendship.  I  believe a relationship should always start off as being friend first not like war enemies of the state.  It should not take a night nor 90 days.  It should only take marriage.  This would mean to get to know someone as long as it takes.  You are not for sale.  The relationship you seek is for a lifetime.  Once you are married the rhythm of love making will come like an evening or morning dance!   

Sunday, April 7, 2013

"The Beauty Of A Woman!"

Every woman wants to be recognized that she is beauty.  In so many ways, a woman is beauty in her personality, her kindness, a job well done, and even in her well groom to only mention a few.  Beauty should only cross the line when a woman is not given the responsibility because of her beauty.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

"The Sweetest Love!"

 It will be wise to give a loving relationship all that you have.  One person in the relationship does not have all of the answers.  It is wise to work it through together.  A loving relationship continues to grow second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, night by night, week by week, month by month, year by year, and decade by decade. 

It gives true meaning to "I can't stop loving you; I made up my mind."

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"Fountain Of Love!"

I believe we all invest something toward love.  Whether we make adjustment in our attitudes or our personae, They are all done with love.  It is always best to invest love in ourselves before entering in a love affair of love.  Love makes the world go around, and around, and around.  Shall we enjoy the fountain of love!  

Sunday, March 17, 2013

"Women's Business of Love!"

When a woman has the passion for any thing, there no need to tell her to lean in.  She will with the utmost.  Women have the abilities to be career wise, traditional minded or just claim liberty.  There have been great loves lost because their mates could not see their visions.  I believe every woman knows what she wants, and knows just what it will take for her to get there.  A woman knows when to lean in as well as she knows when to fold.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

"Respect Yourself!"

I once heard on  the radio "... Respect yourself! If you don't respect yourself, ain't nobody is going to give a good to who, now, now, now, now, respect yourself..." as The Staple Singers sung.  I immediately agreed. 
Self respect is respected by one own self, first.   

Sunday, March 3, 2013

"Stone Love!"

I tell you everyone wants a love like that.  A love another one can not blast apart with one's charming appeal.  This is the kind of love which is solid as rock.  May there always be a happy 50th golden anniversary of marriage if God is willing.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

"Hello My Honey, Hello My Baby, Hello My Sweetie Pie!"

Love songs have the power to heal, to express kindness, and to put us in a feel good mood.  There is so many levels of love such as the love of God, the love of a husband and wife share between the two of them, the love of a parent, the love of siblings, and the love of friendships to only mention a few.  Love is love. We should always show love in a loving and caring way.  The reward for showing love is love. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

"A Heartfelt Day!"

Roses are red; violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet,
and so are you so very sweet!

Never take kindness for weakness because it is the niceness and kindness which produce friends.  One never known how many friends one has until the time of need of a friend.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

"Rolling On The River!"

There comes a time when a relationship doesn't always work out.  In the way, one wants the relationship to work out, but one has to keep going on for what is best for oneself.  Although one is rolling on a river of tears, one must keep on going, and one must remain to be wonderful, loving and caring as the world turns.  A relationship is not meant to be a see-saw.  It must be like smooth sailing even under a waterfall.  Love is coming at you!    

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

"The Love You Save!"

As a woman, we have to pay more attention to the "secret person of the heart" as well as we do to ours physical appearance.  We have to work on having good qualities as love, peace, faith, long-suffering, kindness, mildness, and self-control to name a few.  These are the qualities which will prove to be valuable in any relationships as well as marriages.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

"Ever So Wonderful!"

If I were faced with the dilemma of telling my friend that her man is trying to "pushed up on" me.  Would I tell her?  Yes, I would tell her, and I would not allow myself to get closer and be around my friend's man.  This way she can continue to see him if she wants, but she has been warned of him.

I would chose not to be around a relationship like such. 

"Dining Room Of Life!"

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds and a toast to cheer our thoughts. "Dinner Is Served!"