Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Name Brands Play On One's Intelligence...!"

... if you let it, it will do just that play on your intelligence. Advertising would right out state in so many words, of course, one is absolutely nothing unless one buys this product.  If one is not careful, one will buy into the hype. 

Designers will buy T-shirts for .99 cents each.  They will put their name on it, and than they will sell it on the market for $999.00 dollars each.  Because of this practice, the designers name become well known.

I can sometime hear the designers laughing all the way to the bank while they make a deposit of their recent hype just from selling T-shirts. 

"Hey, if you buy this T-shirt everybody will know who's the boss!"

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Tenderness Of Love!"

Yes, there are a lot of adult children who have unsolved issues with their parents.  In some cases, it is the parents who will apologize to their now adult children, but in most cases, it is the adult children who apologize to their parents first for not listening to them.  That's when you know, you are all grown-up.

All children think that all the parents have to do, and especially, the mothers have to do is just kiss the pain away and make it all better.  In most cases symbolically, a kiss will be all that it takes. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Home IS Where The Heart Is!"

Why some married couples break-up after living together for such a long time?  They marry and then the marriage is over.  I believe that they stop loving and respecting one another.  We have to have love for God first and then for each other.  We have to respect each other "giving consideration and honoring one another "  because the marriage can work.  We have to be willing to forgive one another freely as God forgive us freely.

I have much love and respect for the families and friends of 9/11.  May we all remain strong!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

"The Color Of The Heart!"

Yes, as you can tell, the dark and light shaded skin tone disease still plague among some of our heredity.  We have got to stop separating and hating among ourselves, and we must come together as a people, so that we may move forward in a better healthy mental state.

We must not enter in a relationship because of the color shade of one's skin tone, but we must enter in that relationship by the color of one's character.  Are they true blue, or angry red or cowardly yellow or even money hungry green?    Now, these are the colors shade of skin that we shall concern ourselves.  The colors go on and on! 

You can almost bet your last dollar that someone is going to show one's true color. 

"Dining Room Of Life!"

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds and a toast to cheer our thoughts. "Dinner Is Served!"