I do believe; it can be most difficult to remain in a loving relationship when the love is there less alone when the love is gone. I am beginning to think if a couple do stay together for the sake of the children then it really not for the sake of the children anyway. They are now living together as roommates, and if they should get that "ole loving feeling" which is not that often, I suspect, than so be it. They are married and to live as roommates well anything goes.
It can not be so much of the children's self-esteem as much as it is for one of the parents' self-esteem. To bear such emotional and mental abuse, is just an excuse for not wanting to let go. The children will be fine whether the parents are living together or not.
We all have to learn to take a break from unhealthy love sometime or another. In order to do that, we must know and like ourselves well enough to know that we must learn to enjoy our own company first.