Sunday, August 26, 2012

"When A Woman Loves A Man!"

She is faith and true because she believes he is faith and true to her.  She will put all her beliefs in that man because she has loyalty toward him as well as God!  When a woman loves her husband, there is no greater true love. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Listen To My Heart!"

Did you know?  People, who live the single life, have the grand of lifestyles!  No, it is true.  They have the room and space to decide how they want to share their lives with someone or if at all.  Living single is one enjoying oneself and creating for oneself.  Only the true gives a silent relief.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"The Power Of A Wish!"

Domestic Violence is not easy for anyone to deal with or to hear.  Isn't it funny how some women will be caring and supporting of their friends discomfort while other women will laugh their hearts out just because one thought one had the right man. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

"Hearts Full Of Love!"

Yes, too bad there are not many women young or old who can recognize genuine real men who are ready to take on the responsibilities of action to establish their real families.  Now, that they have found love, what are they going to do with love?

"Dining Room Of Life!"

I will discuss things of importance and concerns which are on many of our minds and a toast to cheer our thoughts. "Dinner Is Served!"